Well a lot has happened in the last 2 weeks. Lillian turned four on the 16th of April. We got her a bike and gave it to her on the 16th. Her birthday party was bowling on Saturday the 17th. Lillian I had just made cupcakes for her party and sat down to watch Marvin the tap dancing horse when my water broke. This was around 9:30pm and Elijah was born at 3:07 am. He weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and was 21 inches long...just imagine how big he would have gotten had he lasted the remaining 3 weeks. We are excited to finally have him here with us and he is such a good little baby. He had jaundice pretty bad so he had to be on the bili bed for about 6 days...which was so sad , but all is good now. I had to miss Lillian's birthday party of course. It was hard for me but could stand the thought of canceling it. She had a blast and got a strike!
Erick had finals the week we came home from the hospital which definitely put the pressure on him. He was busy taking care of all of us and still had to try and study. Also that week his dear friend passed away. Chris Hall who is like a brother to Erick passed away unexpectedly. Erick was having a lot put on his plate at once...but handled it well. He and Rickie flew to California for the funeral...leaving me, Lilly and Elijah behind. We are missing them both so much and can't wait to pick them up on Sunday evening.
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